3/4/15 Wednesday
Performance A. Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets): Back Squat 6 reps @ 65% 4 reps @ 75% 2 reps @ 80% 2 reps @ 85% 1 rep @ 90% + On the 12min mark + Back Squat…
9/15/14 Monday
Performance A. Back Squats; 5 reps x 3 sets, rest 2min *Build to a tough 5 reps. Then do 3 sets of 5 with same weight B. Double Pause Back Squats; 3 reps x 3 sets, rest 2min *Pause…
7/21/14 Monday
Performance A. Back Squat; 5 reps @ 50% of possible 1RM, rest 60sec 3 reps @ 75%, rest 60sec 1 rep @ 85%, rest 60sec 1 rep @ 90-95%, rest 2min + Strict Pull-Ups; Max Reps, rest 2min + Back…
5/11/14 Monday
Performance A. Back Squat – Take 15min to find a 1RM *Once weight is loaded onto the bar clock starts B. Bulgarian Split Squats @ 30×0; 6-8/leg x 4 sets, Rest 60sec b/w legs + In teams of three, complete…
4/14/14 Monday
Performance A1. Back Squat; Build to a 1RM over the course of 5 sets, Rest 2 minutes A2. Strict Pull-Ups x Max Reps, Rest 2 minutes B. One set for Max Reps: 85% Back Squat x Max Reps * Load your…
3/25/13 Monday
FitCamp Bryon, Lori, Roberto, and Erin You will be doing the Fitness workout with a few modifications Everyone else who missed the fun on Saturday! Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 150 Wall balls…
1/21/13 Monday
FitCamp In Teams of 2 complete the following: Run 800m holding MB (Teammates run together-1MB) 100 MB Rotational throws against wall (50 per person/25 each side) 100 Step Ups 100 MB 2-hand chest passes (for distance with partner) 200 Singles…
12/1 Saturday
Fitness/XFitSport A. Back squat; build to a max fast + “Karen” 150 wall balls for time
9/17 Monday
A. Back Squat – build to a 1RM (3 attempts) -Warm up as much as you’d like with as much weight as you’d like. Once you declare your first attempt you can not go down in weight B. take 85%…
6/12 Tuesday
12 Minutes to establish a 1RM Back Squat. -then- 3 rounds for time of: 75 Double-Unders 20 Pistols (10l/10r – alternate) 10 Push Jerks 135/95#
6/4 Monday
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Back Squat + For time: 9 Thrusters 115/85# 50 Double-Unders 7 Thrusters 115/85# 50 Double-Unders 5 Thrusters 115/85# 50 Double-Unders
5/14 Monday
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Back Squat -then- For time: 9 Thrusters 115/85# 50 Double-Unders 7 Thrusters 115/85# 50 Double-Unders 5 Thrusters 115/85# 50 Double-Unders