8/28/14 Thursday
Performance A1. Shoulder Press @ 20X1; 4-6 reps x 4 sets, rest 90sec A2. Strict Pull-ups @ 21X1; 2-3 reps x 4 sets, rest 90 sec B. AMRAP in 7 minutes of: 10 HR Pushups or Ring Push-Ups 15…
8/20/14 Wednesday
Performance A1. Weighted Pull-Ups @21X0; 2-4 reps x 5 sets, rest 60sec A2. L-Sit from bars/rings; 30-60 second hold x 5 sets, rest 60 sec * if you cannot do this consecutively, accumulate the time B. AMRAP in 5 minutes…
8/8/14 Friday
Performance A1. Push Press; 3-5 reps x 4 sets, Rest 90sec A2. Weighted Pull-Ups; 3-5 reps x 4 sets, Rest 90sec B. 600 Meter Partnered Farmer’s Carry *Teams of two must move as much weight as possible 600 meters in…
8/4/14 Monday
Performance A. Weighted Pull-Up; In six attempts or less, find your 1-RM Weighted Pull-Up. *Rest at least 3 minutes between attempts over 80% of your potential 1-RM B. AMRAP in 7 minutes of: 3 Thrusters (95/65 lbs.) 3 Pull-Ups…
7/16/14 Wednesday
Performance A1. Weighted Pull-Up; 2-3 reps x 5 sets, Rest 60 seconds A2. Front-Leaning Rest on Rings; 60-90 seconds x 5 sets, Rest 60 seconds + B. In teams of two, alternate rounds to complete five sets each for time…
4/30/13 Tuesday
Fitness A1. Deadlift @31×1; 4-6 reps x 4 sets, Rest 45 seconds A2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press @2011; 6-8 reps x 4 sets, Rest 45 seconds A3. Double-Under Practice x 45-60 seconds, Rest 45 seconds + Three sets for times of: 250…
2/5/13 Tuesday
Fitness A1. BB Bench Press @ 20×1; 4-5 x 4 sets, rest 60sec A2. Single Leg Hip Bridge; 10/leg x 4 sets, rest 60 A3. Double Unders; 60sec amrap x 4sets, rest 60 + B. 10min AMRAP: 10 toes-to-bar…
11/30 Friday
Warm-Up 1000m Row MFR – MB/Foam Roll Fitness/XFitSport A1. standing press; build to a max, rest as needed A2. Weighted pronated Pull-up; build to a max, rest as needed + 10 rounds for time: 10 Pull-ups 10 box jumps…
11/23 Friday
Fitness A1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 6-8 reps x 4, 90sec A2. Wtd Supinated Pull-up Cluster @ 30X0, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, 90sec B1. KBS (all the way OH), 50/35lbs 7-10 reps x 4 sets, 1min B2. Bar Dips @ 20X0,…
6/6 Wednesday
12 minutes to establish a 3RM STRICT Weighted Pullup. + 5 rounds for total work time of: Run 200m 10 KBS 32/24kg 15 Burpees *Rest 2 minutes after each round.
4/23 Monday
A. Close Grip Bench Press – find your 1RM B. Supinated 1RM Chin Up weighted C. DB External Rotation @ 3010 – amrap/arm @ 10% A – 1 set per arm + 5 sets: 10 burpees 15 unbroken box jumps…