In teams of 2-4, Complete For time:
400m Run (All Team members must run Together)
100 feet, In-unison lunges (Hands on head in single file line)
30 Pull-ups Each (any order and can go at same time if there is enough pullups bars)
100’ Backwards heavy sled drag using straps + 100 feet Heavy forward Sled drag using straps (continuous grind for load)
50 Double Unders or 100 Single Unders (each)
50 In-Unison Air Squats (count out loud as a team)
50 In-unison KB Swings (50/35) (we might have to use diferent size KB’s here pending on how many people there are)
400m Run (Together)
*Unless you are new trying it out for the first time, every member of the team must get at least 5 double unders to move on.
*All team members must finish their station before anyone proceeds to the next station
Wod will be posted at gym