9/12/15 Saturday


Today we are gonna give the CrossFit Team Series Event 1 a try J

There will be 4 person Teams consisting of 2 males and two females.

Thus far on the leaderboard the best time in the world is 14:39


For time:

Females complete:

100 double-unders, each

75-calorie row, total

50 dumbbell step-ups, total

Then, males complete:

100 double-unders, each

75-calorie row, total

50 dumbbell step-ups, total


*Rx’d Standard

F – 30-lb. dumbbells to 20-inch box

M – 45-lb. dumbbells to 24-inch box


*Scaled Standard

F – 15-lb dumbbells to 20-inch box

M – 30-lb dumbbells to 24-inch box


– At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” one female athlete will perform 100 double-unders. Once Female 1 finishes, Female 2 will perform 100 double-unders.

– Next, the pair will advance to the Concept 2 rower. There, the women will complete a total of 75 calories, divided however they choose.

– Last, the pair will advance to the 20-inch box. With 30-lb. dumbbells held in each hand in the hang position, one female teammate will step up onto the box and get full extension of the knees and hips before stepping down. The women will complete a total of 50 step-ups, handing off the single pair of dumbbells each time they alternate. Jumping up and down is not permitted.

– After the female pair’s final step-up, the judge will note the time (this will be used as a split time) and the female pair will slap hands with the male pair. Slapping of the hands will be a requirement…no chest bumps. The men will then complete the same movements and reps, but with a 24-inch box and two 45-lb. dumbbells during their step-ups.

*The team’s score is its total time. There is no time cap.



Wod will be posted at gym