9/6/14 Saturday


Upon their request:

Monty and RJ’s 1-Year Anniversary WOD:

In pairs of two complete the following in 2:00 Tabata’s (20sec of work:10sec of rest)

*P1 does the full 2:00 tabata while P2 rests. Then P2 does the full 2:00 Tabata while P1 rests. Then you move onto the next modality.

Air Squats




Double Unders

Power Clean (135#/95#)

OH Walking Lunges (45# plate/25# plate)

KB Swings (you choose weight)


Cash Out:

400M Run (done together)

*Monty and RJ have to carry the 85lb Heavy Bag throughout their 400m Run. If at anytime the bag hits the ground they have to complete the 400m run and then run another. This cycle will repeat until they finish an entire 400m run without the bag ever touching the ground. Only 1 person can be holding the bag at once. I love you guys :)



Wod will be posted at gym