Class Schedule
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Calibrated CrossFit Kids!

CFK 1 : Ages 3-5

CFK 2: Ages 6-10

Class Schedule:


545pm to 630pm (CFK 1 & 2)


9am to 930am (CFK 1 – This class only has an optional 30 min. “active learning” session after class until 10am where we will practice skills/talk about nutrition/go over homework, etc.)

1215pm to 100pm (CFK 2)


1215pm to 1245pm (CFK 1)

115pm to 200pm (CFK 2) 

*Sunday classes will be held only twice a month.  Please check calendar for availability.

Cost: $40/month for one child; $75/month for two children; $95/month for three children

Please use calendar for sign-up!  No sign-ups may result in a cancellation of class.

CrossFit Kids utilizes the 10 components of fitness, just like adult classes:


Typical class setting includes skill work, WOD, game, and cool-down.  We also emphasize good nutrition, rest, playing, learning, leadership, teamwork, and most importantly – FUN! Typical skills that kids will be working on and improving:  pull-up strength, proper squatting form, agility ladders, climbing ropes, proper push-up form, learning how to jump high on a box, flipping tires, and so much more!

Our CrossFit Kids program is designed to:

  • Teach good and correct movement to help avoid injury inside and outside the gym.
  • Strengthen bones and muscles and promote healthy nutrition to fuel optimal development.
  • Get your child excited about exercise to inspire a lifelong love of fitness.
  • Develop critical thinking and memory by practicing complex movements and sequences, keeping track of reps and rounds, and tallying scores!
  • Give your child self-confidence and the belief that he or she can achieve anything!

Our CrossFit Kids coach has completed the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course and CrossFit Kids Trainer Course, as well as passed a background check.

Please contact our CrossFit Kids coach, Lisa (),  if you have questions.

We look forward to meeting you!