Class Schedule
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10/16/13 Wednesday


Complete all of the following @ 75%:

Airdyne 100/75 cals


5 min Rest


6 rounds:

5 Push Press 65/45

5 Knees to elbow

5 Wall Balls


5 min Rest


For time:

Back Extensions – 30,20,10

Box Jumps (24/20″ – step down) – 20,20,20


5 min Rest


For time:

10 x 50 ft Shuttle Run

25 Double Unders

8 x 50ft Shuttle Run

20 Double unders

6 x 50ft Shuttle Run

15 Double Unders

4 x 50ft Shuttle Run

10 Double Unders

2 x 50ft Shuttle

5 Double Unders



5 min rest


Airdyne 100/75 cals (Same time as above)



Wod will be posted at gym