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10/4/13 Friday


A1. Deadlift @ 20X1, 1-1-1-1-1, 90 sec….build to a tough 1 rep

*THIS TEST MEANS NOTHING IF YOU ROUND YOUR BACK – I need to know what you can do with proper mechanics, not that you’re willing to damage yourself. 

A2. Wtd Supinated Pull-up, 1 rep x 5 sets, 90 sec – build to a 1RM

B1. KBS @ 32/24kg, 7-10 reps x 5 sets, 2 min – all the way OH

B2. Wtd Bar Dip @ 20X0, 1 rep x 5 sets, 2 min – build to 1RM

C.Bulgarian Split Squat @ 20X1, 6/leg x 3 sets, 1 min b/t legs – build to a true 6 RM



Wod will be posted at gym