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10/7/14 Tuesday


A1. Single-Arm DB Row @ 1111; 8-10 reps x 3 sets, rest as needed

A2. Side Plank leg Raise; 10/leg x 3 sets, 
rest as needed

A3. Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold; 30-45sec x 3 sets, rest as needed

Notes: Accumulate the leg raises if you cannot perform all ten in a row. You must maintain a perfectly linear position throughout plank. No slouching or flopping the leg up like a fish on dry land.


B. For time:


Front Squat, 155/105

200m Run after every round.

*If you are able… Clean weight from floor. If this is too much for you to Clean (within good position)  use rack.

*If it is raining, double the distance on AirDyne and/or equal the distance on Concept2.


Wod will be posted at gym