Class Schedule
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11/1/14 Saturday


Teams of 2 complete: 
(1 athlete works at a time):

AMRAP in 8min of:

12 Alternate KB Snatches (50/35)

200m Row

*Partner “A” starts on KB Snatch. When Partner “A” finishes all Snatches he/she tags partner “B”. Partner “B” will then row 200m + perform all 12 Alt KB Snatches. After Partner “B” finishes the KB Snatch he/she will tag Partner “A” and then partner “A” will perform the couplet. This cycle continues until 8min time cap is reached.


Rest 8min


Teams of 2 complete: (1 athlete works at a time):

AMRAP in 8min of:

40-30-20-10 of:

Overhead Squats, 75/45


*partition reps as you see fit


Rest 8min


Teams of 2 complete: (1 athlete works at a time):

AMRAP in 8min of:

40-30-20-10 of:

Wall Balls, 20/14




Wod will be posted at gym