Road to the OPEN
A. Three sets, not for time, of:
30 -40 Double-Unders
30-45sec of a L-Sit (perform in cluster sets if you cannot complete in 1 hold)
B. EMOM, for 10 minutes:
Snatch + Overhead Squat
*moderate load…NO FAILS!
10min rest
C. In Teams of 2, Eight sets each for times of:
200m Row
1 Muscle-Up
4 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
8 Burpees Over the Barbell
4 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
1 Muscle-Up
*1 person completes entire series while other rests
*1 bar per team
*Note times for each set individually
D. Six sets of:
30 seconds of Hand-Release Push-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
Wod will be posted at gym