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1/15/14 Wednesday

Road to the OPEN



Deadlift, rest 2min b/w sets

10 reps @ 50% of 1-RM

10 reps @ 60%

10 reps @ 65%

8 reps @ 75%

6 reps @ 80%


B1. Banded Good Mornings @ 30×1; 8-10 reps x 3 sets, 
rest 45 seconds

B2. Ring Row @ 2111; 8-10 x 3 sets, 
rest 45 seconds

B3. Weighted GHD Back Extensions @2012; 8-10 reps x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds


*Same exact movements as last week…you should be learning how to perform the movements better and able to more confidently perform them with greater intensity.


For times, 
In Teams of 2 complete 5 sets of the following:

Row 250 Meters

10 Russian Step Ups

10 Pull-Ups

*One person completes entire series while the other rests



Wod will be posted at gym