Class Schedule
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12/14 Friday


Jump Rope – 3min

Mobility Work:
Arm Circles 10
Arm Rotations 10
Leg Swings 10
Switch lunges 10
Knee Rolls 10
Ankle Rolls 10
Dynamic: slow but steady..constant work
Air Squat 10
Pushup 10
Situp 10
Supermen 10
Pullups 10


A. Split Jerk Wave Loading, 1 rep x 12 sets , 1 min rest; example 1st @ 65lb, 2nd @ 75lb, 3rd @ 85lb, 4th @ 95lb, and repeat this sequence for another 8 sets, moving from 65lb to 95lbs


C. 5 sets ALL OUT:

10 touch n go Squat Clean @ 75/65lb

5 Pull-ups

5 burpees

Rest 3min



A. Split Jerk Wave Loading, 1 rep x 12 sets, 1:30 min -Example… 1st @ 135lb, 2nd @ 145lb, 3rd @ 155lb, 4th @ 165lb, and repeat this sequence for another 8 sets, moving from 135lb to 165lb.

B1. Front Squat @ 33X1, 2-3 reps x 4 sets, 3 min

B2. Wtd Supinated Pull-up @ 30X0, 3-5 reps x 4 sets, 3 min


C. 5 sets ALL OUT:

10 touch n go Squat Clean @ 115/95lb

17 Pull-ups

Rest 7 x work time