12/2/15 Wednesday


A. Every 90sec, x 5 sets of each:

Station 1 – Strict Shoulder Press x 4-6 reps

Station 2 – Toes to Bar x 10-15 reps

*Work on kipping toes to bar!

B1. Standing banded Reverse Fly; 20 reps x 2 sets, rest 45sec

B2. Rolling DB extensions (lying on floor); 20 reps x 2 sets, rest 45sec


C. In teams of two, complete AMRAP in 10min of:

250m Row

15 Pull-Ups

50 Double-Unders

* P1 rows 250m while P2 rests, P2 completes 15 pull-ups while P1 rests, P1 completes 50 Du’s while P2 rests, etc…



Wod will be posted at gym