A1. Alternating Single Arm DB Press; 6-8 reps x 4 sets; rest 45sec
A2.Romanian Deadlift @ 3011; 6-8 x 4 sets; rest 45sec
A3. BB Rollouts; 15-20 reps x 4 sets; rest 45sec
For time:
30 Shoulder to Overhead
600-Meter Run
40 Wall Balls
A. Deadlift Wave Loading; 6-4-2, 6-4-2; Rest 4min b/w sets
*(Loading example – 315 x 6, 345 x 4, 375 x 2, 320 x 6, 350 x 4, 380 x 2)*
* Use rest time to work on appropriate skill work on the rings – muscle-ups, ring dips, transitions, Kipping pull-ups, etc….*
B. Three rounds for time of:
20 Pull-Ups
40 KBS (24/16 kg)