A. Bench Press; 6 sets, rest 3 minutes between sets
*Use this rest time effectively to work on hip mobility or glute activation exercises – your coaches can help give you some suggestions
Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps
Set 2 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 2 reps
Set 3 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
Set 4 – 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
Set 5 – Test 1-RM
Set 6 (optional) – Exceed Set 5 weight
B. In teams of 2, partners alternate to complete three sets each of:
400-Meter Row
50/30 Push-Ups
Wod will be posted at gym