Class Schedule
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2/1/14 Saturday


Three sets, not for time, of:

Accumualte 45-60 sec of Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold

Kipping Practice – use this time to develop your kipping pull-ups and or Toes to bar. If you have the kip down practice your butterfly on either regular pull-ups or chest to bar

50 Double Unders (Note if these are unbroken)


AMRAP in 10 mins:

Box Jumps onto 24”/20″ – step down

*On the top of every minute Perform 5 burpees to 6″ OH Target

*High Score for Men – Theo at 136

*High Score for Women – Brittany at 150

*Their box ht was 24″ for women and 28″ for Men



Wod will be posted at gym