Class Schedule
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2/6/13 Wednesday


Teams of 4
Buy in:
800m run with a 45# plate
Once entire team has returned,
2 people working at a time:
40 jumping pull-ups
80 wall balls
160 sit ups
Cash out:
800m run with a 45# plate


A1. Pull-ups @ 21×1, 4-6 x 4sets, rest 60sec

A2. Reverse Lunge @ 2011, 8-10 x 4 sets, rest 60sec

A3. Side Plank; 30sec/side x 4 sets, rest 60


5 sets for time:

10 pullups

10 push press

30 Double Unders



A1. Back Squat (light loads) @ 30X0; 10 reps x 5 sets, 
Rest 30 sec

Single Arm Dumbbell Rows @ 2111; 10 reps/arm x 5, Rest 30 sec

A3. Heavy Kettlebell Swings; 10reps x 5,
Rest 30 sec

A4. Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press @ 20×1;10 reps x 5, Rest 2 min