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3/16/13 Saturday

CrossFit Games Open 13.2!

I would like to dedicate this one to my Grandma. She devoted her life to her 6 sons, 15 grand children, and 13 great grand children (and more to come). For those of you who still have their Grandparents, cherish the moment! You don’t think about it as much while their still here.

It would mean a lot for everyone to give their absolute all on this one!  Good luck! I wish I was there to yell at all of you! :)


10 minute AMRAP of:

5 Shoulder to overhead, 115 / 75 lbs

10 Deadlift, 115 / 75 lbs

15 Box jump, 24 / 20 inch


*FitCamp will be using a KB with a slight modification on movements. Your Coach will explain in detail