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4/8/15 Wednesday

This is how the owners of your gyn spend their time in Hawaii :)
This is how the owners of your gym spend their time in Hawaii :)


A. Pause Bench Press; 3reps x 9 sets, EMOM

*Warm up to about 50% of your best Bench Press found last week. Once you hit that perform 9sets of 3 reps pausing for 1sec on chest each rep

B. Flat DB Bench; 12-10-8, rest 60sec

*Build in weight each set

C1. DB Bent over Row; 10 reps x 3 sets, rest 30

C2. 90 degree thumbs down powell raise on floor; 12-15 reps x 3, rest 1min


5 sets @ 85-90% effort:

30 sec Burpees

30 sec Box Jumps – 24/20″ – step down

30 sec KBS – 53/35lbs

90 sec recovery



Wod will be posted at gym