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4/9/13 Tuesday


A1. Pull-Ups @ 21×1;  6-8 reps x 3 sets,
Rest 60 seconds

A2. Lateral Lunges; 10/side
x 3 sets, Rest 60 seconds

A3. Side Planks; 30sec/side,
Rest 60 seconds


12 min AMRAP of :

10 Renegade Rows

20 Box Jumps

200-Meter Run



Three sets, not for time, of:

3-5 Muscle-Ups

30-45 sec L-Sit

Kettlebell Push Press @ 10×2; 8-10 reps & Hold x 8-10 reps


B.  Hang Clean (above knee) + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (split); 1 rep each x 5 sets, Rest as needed

Build over the course of the five sets to something heavy (If posture and technique is there)


8 Overhead Squats (95/65),

Rest 2min

8 Overhead Squats (115/75),

Rest 2min

8 Overhead Squats (135/95),


*All sets must begin on the floor! Figure out how quickly you can cycle these, and have a partner strictly judge your reps . . . If weights are too heavy than adjust loads. We are practicing movement and cycle efficiency so if the reps look like shit than you are missing the point. *


D. 7 sets:

8 Pull-ups

8 Ring Dips

1:30 min rest