1. Nose to Wall Handstand hold; 20-30sec x 3 sets, rest 30
2. Ring pec stretch; 20-30sec hold x 3 sets, rest 30
3. Hang Muscle Cleans; 6-8 reps x 3 sets, rest 1min
A. Take 15 minutes to build to a 1-RM Strict Shoulder Press
B1. Bent-Over Barbell Rows @ 2111; 8-10 reps x 3 sets, rest 30sec
B2. Hollow Hold/Rocks; 60 seconds x 3 sets, rest 30sec
C. AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
5 Hang Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
10 Pull-Ups
15 Hand-Release Push-Ups
Wod will be posted at gym