Class Schedule
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9/30/15 Wednesday


A1. Dumbbell or Barbell Push Press; 6-8 reps x 4 sets, rest 45sec

A2. Single Leg Hip Bridge @ 3011; 6-8 leg x 4 sets, rest 45sec

A3. Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunges; 10/leg x 4 sets, rest 45sec

*Anyone with mobility issues in the front rack will be performing DB thrusters. If you use DB’s for the push press you will use DB’s below as well.


B. Against a 60 second running clock, for a total of five sets, perform as many reps as possible of:

10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

Max Reps of Barbell or Dumbbell Thrusters (you choose load)

Rest 60 seconds between sets.

*Score is max number of thrusters completed during the workout.

*Note reps performed each set as well so that you can track your consistency – or drop off.



Wod will be posted at gym