Calibrated COVID-19 UPDATE
Calibrated remains open but will be following an extensive cleaning schedule to maintain a clean environment and to disinfect community items and touchpoints in our gym daily. As part of our cleaning protocol, Calibrated has increased the frequency with which it washes and disinfects these areas.
We are asking everyone to help in keeping our community safe and comfortable.
- wash your hands before and after each class
- Thoroughly clean all equipment used during or after class
- Mop up any sweat puddles on floor. Do not use rags for this. There will be a mop next to the white board.
- We will supply disinfectant and rags but we are asking you to consider bringing in personal sweat towel to limit your post workout sweat angels.
- If you like to tally scores please bring your own dry erase markers and white boards.
What we plan on doing to help in this transition
- Continue to sanitize high touch areas before and after classes like the kiosk, facets, door knobs, beverage fridge, sinks, dispensers, etc….
- Hand Sanitizers will be in this week and we will post locations. But that said, hand washing should always be our first choice.
- Home Workouts published on SugarWod Monday through Saturday for as long as needed. These will be bodyweight based with some days having an option to use minimal equipment like a DB or jump rope. These are not meant to replicate workouts done at Calibrated. I am just trying to create something to keep you moving and not go insane if you are choosing to stay in your home for the next few weeks.
As always, Calibrated is recommending that any member or Coach who feels ill to remain home for the health and safety of others.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop Calibrated is following a detailed response plan and is continuing to evaluate the steps it is taking in accordance with the recommendations of health officials and government mandates.
How do I access Sugar WOD Home Workouts?
– Open up SugarWod APP, under the picture of the day click where it says, “Workout of the Day”, on the pulldown menu select Home Workouts, click it and workouts will be displayed as they normally do for the workout of the day. They will also be posted at the same time. *8pm each night