Class Schedule
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Friday – 10/6/17

2 sets (10min):
Lying Single Leg straight leg raise x 10/leg
Lying Straight leg lowering x 5/leg
L-Seated PVC shoulder Press (slow tempo) x 10 reps
Low Trap Squeeze pull-ups x 10 reps (Barbell on Squat rack at ht of Shoulder)
1 set (5min):
200m Row sprint (90%)
5-10 pull-ups
5-10 push press’s (warm-up weight
Find Push Press weight used in Metcon (5min)

Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets), for times of:
Row 1000 Meters
20 Pull-Ups
20 Push Presses (135/95 lbs)

*If we have more then 6 people… second heat starts on 5min mark. Only If we have more then 12 people, the remainder will use Assault Bike for 2500 meters.
*We will use the OPEN standard for scaled pull-ups