Class Schedule
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Friday – 11/3/17

Wrist/elbow/Arm circles
Over and Back
Tricep Stretch Side bend
Quadruped Torso Rotations
Roll Over to V-Sit
Superman to hollow hold Roll-overs x 5/side
2 sets:
Theraband Goblet Squat @ 5511 x 4 reps
Half Kneeling 1-arm bottoms up KB Press x 10/side
Band pull aparts x 20 reps
BarBell technique work:
Coach’s choice

A. Every 90sec for 15min (10 sets):
2-Position Snatch
Above Knee Snatch + Snatch
Mid-thigh Power Snatch + Above Knee Power Snatch + OHS

B. In teams of two, partners alternate to complete 5 rounds each of:
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
10 strict Dips (Ring for advanced)