Friday 2/24/17

Reebok CrossFit Open 17.1 Heat Schedule


*Mock 17.1 Warm-up provided by coach.


A. For 5-10min perform the following:

20 Single Unders

10/leg Straight Leg Raises

10 Downward Dogs (with push ups for some, but don’t go to fatigue)

4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

*Each round, increase the weight on the dumbbell snatches until you get up to the working weight


B. 3-4 Sets trying to find game day pace:

6 Alt DB Snatches (17.1 weight)

5 Burpee Box jump Overs (24/20”)

-rest 1min

*Masters and scaled divisions have different standards so perform this as if you were on game day with correct standards


C. Spend 10-15 min mobilizing and cooling down


Anyone not participating in the Open this year will perform:


A1. Twenty sets of:

30 seconds of Assault Bike @ 90% effort

30sec Easy Spin




A2. Three sets of:

1 Minutes of Rowing @ 20 s/m

1 Minutes of Rowing @ 22 s/m

1 Minutes of Rowing @ 24 s/m

1 Minutes of Rowing @ 26 s/m

– Rest 2 minutes