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Friday 3/10/17


Generalized warm-up led by coach

(i.e.) 5 min Aerobic Work to increase body temp

5 min Flossing/Smashing/Rolling

5-10min Specific Movement Preparation for 17.3


A. Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):

Snatch Push Press + 2 Overhead Squat

*Pause for 2 seconds in the bottom position of each overhead squat


Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):

Above Knee Squat Snatch x 2 reps


Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):

Snatch Lift Off + Squat Snatch x 1 rep @ 65-80%


Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):

Squat Snatch x 1 rep


B. Get a game plan for tomorrow. Determine if you should go Scaled or Rx. Have fun and be HAPPY!


17.3 OPEN Workout


Prior to 8:00, complete:

3 rounds of:

6 chest-to-bar pull-ups

6 squat snatches (95 / 65 lb.)

Then, 3 rounds of:

7 chest-to-bar pull-ups

5 squat snatches (135 / 95 lb.)


*Prior to 12:00, 3 rounds of:

8 chest-to-bar pull-ups

4 squat snatches (185 / 135 lb.)


*Prior to 16:00, 3 rounds of:

9 chest-to-bar pull-ups

3 squat snatches (225 / 155 lb.)





Prior to 8:00, complete:

3 rounds of:

6 Jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

6 Squat snatches or power snatches with overhead squats permitted (45/35)


Then, 3 rounds of:

7 Jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

5 Squat snatches or power snatches with overhead squats permitted (75/55)


*Prior to 12:00, 3 rounds of:

8 Jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

4 Squat snatches or power snatches with overhead squats permitted (95/65)


*Prior to 16:00, 3 rounds of:

9 Jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

3 Squat snatches or power snatches with overhead squats permitted (115/75)

