Friday – 3/24/17

OPEN 17.5 HEAT Schedule

Generalized warm-up led by coach


5 min Aerobic Work to increase body temp

5 min Flossing/Smashing/Rolling

5-10min Movement based Dynamic Stretches

5-10min Specific Movement Preparation for 17.5


Coach’s choice but here is an example of a practice test

A. Two rounds for time at 95-100%:

9 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)

35 Double Unders


Rest until fully recovered, and then…


Two rounds for time at 95-100%:

9 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)

35 Double Unders

*Note not only your times for both of these, but also your perceived rate of exertion. Remember you will accumulate 10 rounds of this, so if you’re more gassed from one than the other, that will be important to take into consideration.

Be efficient, and be flexible. Play with the pace at which you attack thrusters, and note how aggressive you can be without risking inconsistency with your double-unders.