*After a thorough Power clean warm-up, coach will provide tips to cycle barbell correctly and help each athlete choose a suitable and challenging load that fits their current fitness level.
A. For time:
8 Unbroken Power Cleans x 3 sets @ (155/105)
*If the barbell comes to rest on the ground or is dropped you have failed that set and you have to repeat
*Score is the fastest time you can get done with all 3 sets of 8 unbroken
rest exactly 3min from your last set of 8 reps
8 Unbroken Power Cleans x 3 sets @ (135/95)
*Same instructions as above
*Score both pieces individually then total time from both (minus the rest time)
B. For time:
40 Calorie Airdyne Bike (30 Cal Assault)
30 Box Jumps, 24/20
20 TTB
10 Power Clean, (20lbs heavier then the heaviest load used above)
20 TTB
30 Box Jumps, 24/20
40 Calorie Airdyne Bike (30 Cal Assault)
C. 5 rounds for times:
50 Double unders
Rest :30 between rounds