Class Schedule
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Monday 1/2/16

Holiday Schedule for New Year’s

Monday (2nd) – 9:30am, 10:30am, 4pm, 5pm classes only


A. In teams of 3, alternate stations every minute on the minute for 18min:

Min 1:  15/10 Cal Assault Bike (Goal is to pick a challenging number so that you will finish at the 40-45sec mark)

Min 2:  2 Rope Climbs or 8 supinated strict pull-ups

Min 3:  AMRAP D-Ball over Shoulders* (heavy)

*Score = Total number of D-Ball completed all six rounds. If you do not hit the Rx number in station 1 & 2 your score for that round is zero.


Optional Accessory work

B1. Weighted GHD Hip Extensions w/ 3sec pause at top; 8 reps x 3 sets, rest as needed

B2. Chest supported prone DB rows @ 1515; 5 reps x 3 sets, rest as needed

B3. Half Kneeling Pallof Press (orange band); 8 side x 3 sets, rest as needed