Class Schedule
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Monday 3/27/17

17.5 OPEN Announcements

  • Today (Monday) is the last day to make-up 17.5!!
  • Feel free to come in anytime during regular class hours and perform the workout.
  • Make sure you ask around for someone to judge you before you come in!
  • Anyone can judge as long as one of our staff members are present.
  • Make sure all scores are submitted before 7:30pm today!!!


*Keep all pacing at the perceived effort listed below. Every round in each 5min interval should take the exact same time.

5 minutes of work @ 75% effort:

Row 150m

5 Toes to Bar

–3 min recovery

5 min @ 75%:

12/8 cals on AB

5 Burpees

–3 min recovery

5 min @ 75%:

25 Double Unders or Single unders

5/arm KB or DB Snatch (you choose load)

–3 min recovery

5 min @ 75%:

Row 150m

10 Box Jumps – 24/20″ – step down