In teams of two with Male/Female Partners all on 1 continuous clock:
*All non-members trying out for their first time that cannot demonstrate perfect deadlift form must do MB ground to shoulder with half the reps as indicated below
Female Partner Completes
20 Deadlifts (65#)
Male Partner Completes
20 Deadlifts (115#)
*Female completes all 20 reps first then Male.
Then as a team, with one person working at a time, 50 Wall Balls (20/14#) to a 10/9′ Target
Female Partner Completes
20 Deadlifts (65#)
Male Partner Completes
20 Deadlifts (115#)
Then as a team, with one person working at a time, 60 Wall Balls (20/14#) to a 10/9′ Target
Female Partner Completes
20 Deadlifts (65#)
Male Partner Completes
20 Deadlifts (115#)
Then as a team, with one person working at a time,, 70 Wall Balls (20/14#) to a 10/9′ Target