Class Schedule
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Saturday 12/31/16

Holiday Schedule for New Year’s

Saturday (31st) – 9am class only

Monday (1st) – 9:30am, 10:30am, 4pm, 5pm classes only


Seeing that I was out of town last weekend I thought I would save this joyous workout so that I could see all of your Christmas spirit shine!


Perform the movements to the tune of “12 Days of Christmas”

1 – 25 Double-Unders

2 – Power Cleans (135/95 lb.)

3 – Push-ups

4 – Toes to Bar

5 – Burpees

6 – Alternating DB Snatch (60/35)

7 – Dips

8 – Box Jumps

9 – Kettlebell Swings (70/53)

10 – Pull-ups

11 – Front Squats (135/95 lb.) – from floor

12 – Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lb.) – from floor