1 set:
Quadruped Y Hold (straight midline, tight abs) 15sec hold/side x 8 reps alternating
Prone T’s on bench x 20 reps (every 5th rep hold for 5sec)
Prone W’s on bench x 20 reps (every 5th rep hold for 5sec)
Side lying Internal Rotations x 30 reps w/ 2.5-5lb plate
Forward Lunge to In-step x 5/side
Tricep Stretch Side bend x 5/side
Lateral Lunge x 5/side
Forearm smash x 30sec/side
Empty BB Warm-Up
5 Muscle Hang Cleans
5 Strict Press
5 Front Squats (slow tempo)
x 2 sets
Take 10min and build to your Power Clean weight below
A. Complete rounds of 15, 12 and 9 reps for time of:
Power Cleans (185/135 lbs)
Strict Handstand Push-Ups or L-Seated BB Press (athlete chooses challenging load)
*10min Cap
**Clean Load should be light enough to drop and go
*Beginners perform Power Clean from hang position
B. Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – L-Seated Double KB Shoulder Press x 8 reps (1sec pause at top and bottom)
Station 2 – Strict Toes to Bar or knees to elbow x 8-10 reps (slooow tempo!)