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Thursday – 11/2/17

Forward lunge to instep x 10
Backwards lunge w/ reach x 10
Cossack Squats x 10
Tricep Stretch Side bend x 10
Over and Back x 10
Bow and bend x 10
2 sets:
Sandbag Squats x 6-8 reps
Single Leg Glute bridge x 6-8
Strict Knees to Armpit x 6-8
Back squat; 6-8 reps x 2 sets

A1. Back Squat w/ pause at bottom; 2-4 reps x 4 sets, rest 90sec
A2. Single-Arm Dumbbell Row; 8-10/arm x 4 sets, rest 90sec

B. Choose an Option below:

B1. For time:
Row 1000 Meters
immediately followed by…
Five rounds of:
10 Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs)
15 Pull-Ups

B2. For time:
Assault Bike 2000m/1500m
immediately followed by…
Five rounds of:
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Dumbbell Thrusters