Class Schedule
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Thursday – 12/21/17

Monday (25th) – No Classes
Tuesday (26th) – 9am and 10am classes only!
Wednesday (27th) – Regular classes resume


Lacrosse ball trap line smash
Banded Front rack
Forearm smash and stretch
Butt kicks x 10/leg
Straight leg skips x 10/leg
Russian step up x 10/leg
Reverse Snow Angels x 10
Sandbag or MB Serrano squat x 3

A. Pause Front Squat
– Build to a heavy Single in 15min

B. EMOM x 12min
Station1 – 18/15 Calorie Row or 15/12cal Bike
Station 2 – Max Strict Handstand Push-ups in :40 Seconds or Seated (on bench) DB Shoulder Press
*Score is HS pushups
*Subtract 2 reps for every calorie you do not hit in station 1

C. AMRAP in 3min
Ground to over shoulder sandbag or MB
*Score is total pounds over shoulder at end of 3min