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Thursday 1/5/17


Despite my awkwardness and lack of intelligence under camera I think yesterday went great! Thanks to all our members who came out to join in on the fun! We couldn’t have made this segment with out all of you and I am thankful everyday for the community that we have here at Calibrated. In no special order I also want to thank coaches who helped run the large classes we had in the morning! There is no way it could have ran as smoothly without you! Brandon, my wonderful wife Brittany, Tommy, Emmitt, Carly, Anna, Sally, Austin, and last but not least Jaycob. Special note to Demi…If he wasn’t at home watching his baby I know he would have loved to come out and join the 5:30am’ers!

P.S. Dont expect rope climbs anytime soon


A. Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Power Clean


B. For time:

10 Power Cleans (155/105 lbs)

100 Double-Unders

8 Power Cleans

80 Double-Unders

6 Power Cleans

60 Double-Unders

4 Power Cleans

40 Double-Unders

2 Power Cleans

20 Double-Unders


*Please feel free to increase the load if 155/105 is not challenging; or decrease the load if moving the prescribed weight would be too ambitious for a total of 30 reps.


Optional extra work to be done on your own:

A1. Single-Leg Hip Bridge (foot on riser w/ 1sec pause at top); 10-12/leg x 3 sets, rest 60sec

A2. Suitcase Carry; 100’/arm x 3 sets, rest 60sec