2 Versions of the Workout today, First is a solo version and Second is a team version,
A1. For time:
Run 1 Mile
25 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
25 Strict Pull-Ups
25 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
25 Strict Knees To Elbows
25 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
*Scale up or down as appropriate.
A2. In teams of Two with partners alternating however they see fit, For time:
Run 1 Mile (Partners must run this together)
50 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
50 Strict Pull-Ups
50 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
50 Strict Knees To Elbows
50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
*Scale up or down as appropriate.