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Tuesday 6/13/17

Zach sporting his Calibrated shirt in Nicaragua on a 9 day mission Trip. Words can’t describe how Proud we are to have Zach as a member! You are a good man Zach!

A1. Deadlift @2011; 4-6 reps x 4 sets (lower bar under control on all reps), rest 45sec
A2. Push-Ups @21X1; 10-15 reps x 4 sets, rest 45sec
A3. Elbows to Plank x 8-10/side x 4 sets, rest 45sec

B. In teams of three, with one partner per station, complete as many Dumbbell Man-Makers as possible in 12 minutes of:
Station 1 – 400 Meter Run
Station 2 – Dumbbell Man-Makers
Station 3 – Rest

*Partners switch when the 400m run is completed. The Man-Makers cannot begin until the 400m Run starts