Tuesday – 7/26/16


A1. Bench Press w/ 1sec pause at bottom; 4-6 reps x 3 sets, rest 60sec

A2. Single Arm DB or KB Row; 15-20/arm x 3 sets, rest 60sec


B. Perform in teams of two; start with one on the Rower or AirDyne, and as soon as they have completed the 500/400 meter row or 30/25cals on Assault Bike, the resting partner gets on. This will allow some rest for the partner after completing their push-ups and pull-ups, but it will also mean that you are able to sustain intensity for longer.

Five rounds (each) for time of:

Row 500/400 Meters or 30/25cals on Assault Bike

20/15 Push-Ups

10 Pull-Ups (C2B, regular, or strict)