Tuesday – 7/4/17

If at first you don’t succeed…try.try.try again!

Holiday Hours
Tuesday July 4th: 9:30am and 10:30am classes only
*All classes will be updated on schedule

In teams of 2, complete the following for max reps:
*Tabata Mash-Up
*Score is the lowest number hit in each interval by either teammate. Add up all lowest numbers and that is your final score.

A. Hang Clean (95/65lb)
*Tabata equals 20sec of work x 10sec of rest x 8 rounds (4min)
*P1 starts with the Hang Cleans and P2 starts with the Push-Ups. Switch movements every interval so that each partner does both movements 4 times each
On the 5min running clock, complete
400 meter Run together
On the 8min running clock
B. Goblet Squats (50/35lb – Db’s or Kb’s)
*Same rules as above
On the 13min running clock, complete
400 meter run together
On the 16min running clock, complete
C. Tabata mash-up
MB or Sand Bag Ground to Over Shoulder
Abmat Sit-ups
On the 21min running clock, complete
400m Run with everybody