Class Schedule
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Wednesday – 11/9/16

A. Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes:

Station 1: 3 Rolls to Candlestick + 6-8 Ring or Bar Dips

Station 2: 45-60 second Handstand Hold

Station 3: Hollow Rock x 45sec or L-Sit Hold x 45 seconds accumulated time


Choose an option below:


B1. Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets), complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

5 Burpee Toes to Bar

Run 400 Meters

In Remaining time…..Max Reps of Bar Muscle-Ups – or – Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups – or – Pull-Ups

*Score is number of pull-ups



B2. Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets), complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

Run 400 Meters

Dumbbell Man-Makers

(Push-Up, Row Left, Row Right, Power Clean + Push Press)

*Score is number of Man-makers