Remember guys, Fox News will be joining us and doing live segments every 30min from 5am through 10:30am. I would like to have a full class for both the 5:30am and 9:30am classes so do your best to be on time and show up if possible! High priority for being on time!!! I think it will be a great opportunity to grow our community and show all those zumba enthusiasts that Calibrated is for anyone!
A. Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – Dumbbell Bench Press x 12-15 reps (1sec pause at top and bottom)
Station 2 – Reverse Snow Angels x 20-25 reps (slow and controlled)
Station 3 – Russian Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps (heavy but unbroken)
Station 4 – Side Plank x 45 seconds each side
B. In teams of two with teammates lining up Kongo style, Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
10/6 Calories of Assault Bike or 15/10cals on Rower
4 Toes to bar
8 push-ups
12 alternating DB Snatch
*Score is the number of rounds + reps P2 completes