CrossFit Games 2038
2 sets: (10min)
Quadruped Y holds x 15sec holds x 2/side
Ring Rows w/ pause x 5
Inch Worms x 5
Alternating Single Leg Lowering x 5/leg
50 single Unders
A. Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets), rotate through the following stations:
Station 1 – 2 speed swings + 1 Supine Ring Swings + Muscle up if you have it
-or- 3 False grip pull-ups + 3 Slow turn-overs + 3 Fast turnovers (All on low rings)
-or- Kipping technique work x 90sec
*This station will be in groups based off your current fitness level
Station 2 – Freestanding Handstand Hold Work x 90sec
-or- HS marches/shoulder taps x 40
-or- HS holds against wall x 60sec accumulated time
Station 3 – Tuck Rock to Tuck Sit x 20 reps
B. 5min @ moderate effort:
5 Sandbag squats
50’ Sandbag Carry
20 Double unders
1min rest
5min @ moderate effort
5 Suitcase Deadlifts (heavy)
50’Suitcase Carry (same load as above)
20 Double Unders
1min rest
Max Distance on Bike/Ski/Row in 5min
Optional Accessory (After class)
A1. Reverse grip push down drop set: 20 reps x 4 sets
A2. Banded gd Morning; 25 reps x 4 sets
B1. Hollow hold cluster; 15.15 seconds x 4 sets,
B2. Superman hold cluster holding small plate; 15.15 seconds x 4 sets,