Wednesday 5/25/16

No regular classes on Saturday. There will be Open Gym times from 9am-10:30am

Here is a schedule of Heat times for this weekends Reebok CrossFit Central Regionals May 27th through May 29th. This is a 3 day event! This is most definitely Brittany‘s toughest regional to date and she will need as much support as possible from her Calibrated family!


Friday (27th)

Event 1: between 12:10pm-1:10pm

Event 2: between 2:25pm-4:05pm


Saturday (28th)

This will be Brittany’s most challenging day and a good test to see how far she has come in these movements!

Event 3&4: 11:55am-1:15pm

Event 5 (death by heavy ass deadlift!): 3pm-4:20pm


Sunday (29th)

Event 6: 12pm-1:20pm

Event 7: 3:05pm-3:45pm

*I hope that we can all come together to cheer on Brittany!


A. Three sets (12 minutes) of:

30 seconds of Dynamic Push-Ups or Regular Push-Ups

– Rest 30 seconds

30 seconds of Toes to Bar

-Rest 30 seconds

30 seconds of L-Sit or L-Sit Progression

– Rest 90 seconds


B. Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets) for times:

Run 400 Meters

15 Push-Ups + 10 Air Squats